
Speed Training for Combat, Boxing, Martial Arts, and MMA

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Want to Double Your Combat Speed within Weeks? Tired of training and still not gaining more speed and quickness? What essential quality do all champion fighters possess? Simple. They possess the attribute responsible for making all combat training applicable–speed. Regardless of your combat style…you cannot apply it unless you can react quickly and respond instantly.116 Pages · 2016 · 512 KB · English

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Want to Double Your Combat Speed within Weeks? Tired of training and still not gaining more speed and quickness? What essential quality do all champion fighters possess? Simple. They possess the attribute responsible for making all combat training applicable–speed. Regardless of your combat style…you cannot apply it unless you can react quickly and respond instantly. Razor-sharp speed and reflexes are often the sole difference between winning and losing a fight or bout. Learn the #1 speed training system for martial arts, boxing, MMA, and wrestling. Based on proven training methods of martial arts masters, such as Bruce Lee, and champion boxers, wrestlers, and MMA fighters…Speed Training for Combat, Boxing, Martial Arts, and MMA provides basic, intermediate, and advanced drills and knowledge to maximize speed for competition and self-defense. The Speed Loop™ training system…detailed in this guide…is the most innovative, simple, and effective method for developing superior combat speed. The Speed Loop training system is designed to isolate, transform, maximize, and integrate the seven attributes of fighting speed. Discover The 7 Keys to Superior Fighting Speed 1. Visual Reflexes: Exceptional visual reflexes allow you to recognize, track, distinguish, and counter attacks with speed and confidence. Learn to react and respond to attacks or openings within a fraction of a second. 2. Tactile Reflexes: Ninety-five percent of all fights end up in close range. Be prepared! Learn to instantly feel what the opponent is attempting to do by quickly interpreting and manipulating his body force. 3. Auditory Reflexes: It is important to react quickly to what you hear. If you have ever experienced fighting in the dark, you know the importance of this attribute. 4. Adaptation Speed: Learn to respond accurately and seemingly without thought. Develop your mind’s ability to instantaneously select the perfect action in response to an attack or opening. 5. Initiation Speed: It’s not how fast you move, but how soon you get there that really counts. Train yourself to make your strikes felt before they are seen. 6. Movement Speed: Discover and ignore the popular myths of “demonstration” speed. Learn how to develop “applied” movement speed that will help you overwhelm and subdue an opponent in seconds. 7. Alteration Speed: Learn to quickly change directions in the midst of movement. Develop the ability to stop your attack instantly…just in case you initiate a wrong move. Get a Bonus Chapter In addition to a step-by-step guide on combat speed training, you will receive bonus information on developing speed hampering skills. Speed hampering allows you to slow down the opponent’s reaction time and counter attacks. Develop your speed hampering skills and you will increase your ability to dominate the fight. Learn More Oder now and start improving your speed today. This title is part of the Kindle MatchBook program, which allows you to get the Kindle ebook version for free when you order the paperback version (limited time promotion). Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button.


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