
Mother Teresa – A Biography

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Manyhave called her a saint. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and India’shighest civilian honor, the Jewel of India, in 1980. Pope John Paul II declaredher “Blessed,” beatifying her in 2003. 174 Pages · 2008 · 1.08 MB · English

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Manyhave called her a saint. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and India’shighest civilian honor, the Jewel of India, in 1980. Pope John Paul II declaredher “Blessed,” beatifying her in 2003. For nearly fifty years at the head ofCalcutta’s Missionaries of Charity, the Albanian-born Agnes GonxhaBojaxhiu, better known as Mother Teresa, advocatedfor the poor and homeless, ministered to the sick, provided hospice for theafflicted, and embodied the very essence of humanitarianism. Now, revised andupdated, Kathryn Spink’s definitive, authorized biography is “simply the best . . . around,” according to James Martin, SJ, author of The Jesuit Guide to(Almost) Everything. “Thoroughly researched, sensitively written andunfailingly inspiring, Kathryn Spink’s book should be, after Mother Teresa’sown writings, your first resource for understanding one of the greatest saintsin Christian history.”


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