
Doomsday Preppers: A Practical Guide for the Beginner

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A quick look at the news will tell you we live in an uncertain world. Every day, we see stories of disaster, either natural or man-made. In such difficult times, it leaves many of us with the feeling that we simply are not prepared if these events were to strike in or own neighborhoods.



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A quick look at the news will tell you we live in an uncertain world. Every day, we see stories of disaster, either natural or man-made. In such difficult times, it leaves many of us with the feeling that we simply are not prepared if these events were to strike in or own neighborhoods.

If disaster were to strike today, would you be prepared? Would you and your family know the secrets of survival if forced into a situation where you had to rely on your own skills and preparations?

If you are even the slightest bit unsure of the answers to these questions, you cannot afford to hide from impending disaster any longer. You NEED the information in this book to ensure your family�s survival.


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