
36 Signature Training Workout Programs

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Trying to follow someone else’s training schedule(s), techniques or exercises can be a grave error in some cases. If you are fairly new to bodybuilding, it is very easy to make this mistake. Just because the vigilante champion bodybuilders of today uses a particular punishing type of training protocol successfully does not automatically mean you will make similar gains following those routines set for set.261 Pages · 2015 · 7.82 MB · English

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36+ Signature Training Winning Edge Workouts

Trying to follow someone else’s training schedule(s), techniques or exercises can be a grave error in some cases. If you are fairly new to bodybuilding, it is very easy to make this mistake. Just because the vigilante champion bodybuilders of today uses a particular punishing type of training protocol successfully does not automatically mean you will make similar gains following those routines set for set.

As a matter of fact, many of these champions’ mega pro routines, techniques and exercises may not be suitable for your present condition, ultimate potential, or body type. As a result you may even lose muscle size on these routines.

The best approach, of course, is to learn from these top bodybuilders, picking up a tip here and there and trying to incorporate into your own schedule the exercises that appeal to you most. Always remember that you must do this only within your present fitness level and recuperative ability.

For decades the bodybuilding magazines have solicited endorsements from top champions for various equipment, supplements, programs, and courses and made outlandish claims guaranteeing speedy increases in muscular size and strength.

As a result of these endorsements, countless thousands have attempted routines of the top bodybuilding amateurs and pros without realizing that these men and women, for the most part, have spend years of regular training to reach their present level of tolerance for lengthy, high-intensity workouts.


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