
Brain Training: Ultimate Brain Training Strategies For Memory Improvement, Concentration, Mental Clarity, Neuroplasticity, And Mind Power

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Most people don’t realize the incredible power of the human brain and what it is capable of doing. But there is a catch, the brain must be exercised in a specific way for it to coincide and correlate with your desired outcome and how you would like to use it.

Content Type: Books
Year: 2014
Language: english
Pages: 44

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Today only, get this Amazing Amazon book for this incredibly discounted price!

Most people don’t realize the incredible power of the human brain and what it is capable of doing. But there is a catch, the brain must be exercised in a specific way for it to coincide and correlate with your desired outcome and how you would like to use it.

In this “Brain Training” book you will discover key strategies and exercises that will help you change your brain and mold it specifically to think the way you want it to and to accomplish what you want it to.

This book is specifically arranged in chapters that must be followed in chronological order. This is important since specific areas of your intelligence must be improved first in order to produce the best results.

We will be covering topics from simple home exercises to basic Neuro-Linguistic Programming to improve specific mental functions and to obtain clarity on just how your consciousness works.

It’s true – there is a way for you to gain complete control and unlock the true power of your mind!


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